Welcome To the Wonderful World of Live Zoo Cams - Men's Folio
Lifestyle, Travel

Welcome To the Wonderful World of Live Zoo Cams

  • By Bryan Goh

When was the last time you visited the zoo on your own accord? Without being dragged by your parents in a bid to bond, by an educational authority or by a date who has watched 500 Days of Summer too many times? Well, if you’ve been hankering to go out one in a time of government mandated quarantine, here are ten zoo live cams for you to while time away.

Play it as background fodder, try to spot 340 different birds with your friends over zoom (drinking game optional) or stay up till three a.m .to spot penguins swimming. What else are you going to be doing… besides watching these live zoo cams, right?

The African Tembe Elephant Park

Along with spotting the occasional elephants, you can also sport their supporting cast — lions, leopards, black and white rhinos and buffalos. Or you can squint real hard to catch all 340 bird species that occasionally fly past.

Make a donation to them at https://www.backabuddy.co.za/charity/profile/tembe.

The Animal Adventure Park

Say hello (well ok, a virtual one) to April the giraffe — the oldest member of the Animal Adventure Park who loves carrots, romaine lettuce and hogging the spotlight.

Make a donation to them at https://theanimaladventurepark.com/donate/.

The Aspinall Foundation

How do you differentiate tiger sisters Amba and Amura? Amura has no stripes on her front legs and she’s the laid back sibling. Amura apparently loves to shout while chasing keeper vehicles.

Make a donation to them at https://www.aspinallfoundation.org/donate/.

The Aquarium Of the Pacific

You’ve seen them frolicking around the zoo albeit in a different one but now, you can watch them swimming around while watching them watch you.

Make a donation to them at http://www.aquariumofpacific.org/give.

The Gorilla Forest Corridor

A remote area next to the Tayna Nature Reserve in East Africa, tune in to see what Isangi, Itebero, Lulingu and friends are getting up to. They’re oddly very aware about the camera filming them.

Make a donation to them at https://www.gorillas.org/gorilla-involved/donate/.

The Toronto Zoo

Gorillas grunting at each other, playing dress-up, partying or napping — tune in between 10:30p.m. to 4:30a.m. daily to catch our ancestors doing what we usually do albeit cuter.

Make a donation to them at https://www.wildlifeconservancy.ca/habitat.

The Trevor Zoo

What’s cuter than a panda? A red panda — namely, Zhu the naughty one and Berry, the former’s sidekick who loves to ham it up for the camera. This one be might one of the cutest live zoo cams we’re featuring.

The Shenshuping Gengda Panda Center

The center located in Sichuan, China integrates scientific research, captive breeding and reintroduction into the wild for the furry creature but you probably just want to tune in to watch them climb trees. And do the other cute things pandas do.

The Ouwehand Zoo

Netherlands is six hours behind us so you don’t have to stay up all night to catch polar bear cubs Akiak and Sura frolicking around their enclosure while being chased around by their mother.

The Werribee Open Range Zoo

Being the king of the jungle is tough which is why the lions at this zoo seem to be sleep so much when they’re not play-fighting with each other. Still cute though.

Make a donation to them at https://www.zoo.org.au/donate/.