Gentle Bones and Clara Benin Want You to Take It "A Day At A Time" - Men's Folio
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Gentle Bones and Clara Benin Want You to Take It “A Day At A Time”

  • By Bryan Goh

Gentle Bones and Clara Benin Want You to Take It "A Day At a Time"
He was a boy, she was a girl, can we make the Gentle Bones and Clara Benin collab anymore obvious? Apparently, we can’t so we’re here to talk about their collab single titled “A Day At A Time”.

Gentle Bones and Clara Benin Want You to Take It "A Day At A Time"
Being the first official cross-country collaboration single for Gentle Bones and Clara Benin in 2021, “A Day At A Time”  is at once positive as it is heartfelt. A soothing mid tempo single that aims to inspire you to live with a more open heart while seeing the beauty in everyday things.

“She has great lyric writing and her voice is beautiful to say the least. She makes music that I really look up to and always was a benchmark for me for folk music. So I wrote a song I thought she’d be perfect on and we managed to get it started. We went through many WhatsApp conversations and calls, also a lot of large files being sent through the web. It’s my first experience working fully virtually and I loved it! Clara actually wrote many beautiful parts to the song which unfortunately couldn’t be squeezed into the final track.” says Gentle Bones.

Clara Benin has also shared her thoughts on the collaboration. “I first discovered Gentle Bones on YouTube back in 2013 when he released the music video for “Until We Die”. I was an instant fan! At that time, I was just starting to build my music career so it was very inspiring for me to see Southeast Asian artists like Gentle Bones thrive in their music and artistry. I feel very honoured that he reached out to me for this collaboration. I guess the most challenging thing about this collaboration in particular was that Joel and I have never met in person before and we only met through this collaboration via a phone call!”

‘A Day At A Time’ will be available on all digital platforms today! The official music video will be released on 8 March 2021, 9pm SGT.