#ManCrushMonday — Zeng Shunxi Aces Sweater Weather In Saint Laurent - Men's Folio
Style, Editor's Pick

#ManCrushMonday — Zeng Shunxi Aces Sweater Weather In Saint Laurent

  • By Charmaine Tan

#ManCrushMonday — Zeng Shunxi Aces Sweater Weather In Saint LaurentZeng Shunxi excels at fall dressing in a sweater get-up from Saint Laurent.

It’s well past the season of transition as we approach the colder end of fall. Sweater weather has already been on the prowl for a good run, and the lowering temperatures are calling for thicker materials to withstand the cold. Our tropical red dot is not exclusive to this phenomenon, so as we experience our own form of chilling with all the howling winds and erratic rainfall patterns that come with climate change, take Zeng Shunxi’s laid-back outfit as inspiration.

Dressed in Saint Laurent, Zeng Shunxi sports an oversized sweater in mohair with a pair of tuxedo bermuda shorts — a combination that works pretty well for the office-goers here, especially since urban lifestyles require being ready for both the hot and cold (thanks to our powerful air-conditioning systems). This sweater is simple without being boring; the yellow flecks in the stitching between the grey and black mohair gives a edgy look that softens the intensity of the grayscale. This means it’s both for the office and for off-days — add some distressed or acid-washed denim and you will have an even more relaxed look.

#ManCrushMonday — Zeng Shunxi Aces Sweater Weather In Saint Laurent  More than the visual of the sweater however, the oversized fit means it’s warm without being suffocating. Paired with the ever classy Solferino Medium Satchel, the young Chinese actor is equipped to attend both formal and casual events, looking both put together and at ease. Confidence relays the best at its most effortless, and with sophistication written all over the simple satchel, he could not be more charming — the pivoting YSL closure delights in doubling as both a securing device as it is an accessory. It’s no wonder Shunxi looks especially dreamy in this outfit, a slicked back ‘do, and under the blur of soft lighting.

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