Henry Lau teams up with Malaysian songstress Yuna on his latest single “Real Love Still Exists”.
Canadian singer-songwriter Henry Lau has taken flight as a solo artist for five years now, and his pursuit for genre- and boundary-less music creation has not slowed down one bit. In his second release since his album Journey dropped in 2020, he taps on the comforting allure of Malaysian R&B songstress Yuna to release a snuggle-worthy R&B ballad that tantalisingly ponders on a love that yearns but fails to blossom, melancholic yet sweetly sparing in sound.
With this song, Henry rediscovers his singer-songwriter roots while evolving from past hits like ‘It’s You.’ Singing out, he looks for a place ‘where real love still exists”, tapping onto his penchant for emotional expression with delicate, evocative lyrics.
In a back-and-forth conversation between Henry and Yuna, an acoustic guitar accompanies the somber delivery of their collective, dreamy plea: “Give me just a chance / Take you to the other side / Where ignorance is bliss / Where real love still exists.” The harmony of the two voices are exacting in their sentiment, forlorn yet hopelessly hopeful in their reunion. This is why it’s an easy listen, lyrics and melody wise — the gentle, breeze-like voice of Henry intertwines perfectly with the percussion-driven but soft-spoken appeal of Yuna’s honey voice.
“Real Love Still Exists” follows January’s funky pop single “Moonlight” and a myriad of widely-loved covers of pop songs, like the most recent violin cover of Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers” and Sza’s “Kill Bill”.
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