Chris Mak Practically Plays Himself in Teenage Textbook - Men's Folio
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Chris Mak Practically Plays Himself in Teenage Textbook

  • By Bryan Goh

Chris Mak's Practically Plays Himself in Serial Drama Teenage Textbook
If you’ve lingered around long enough on this site, you’d know that Chris Mak isn’t averse to taking off his shirt. However, in Teenage Textbook — a drama series inspired by the 1989 novel by Adrian Tan — he has good reason. He plays Tom, the dude you wished you were in school.

Handsome in a hide-your-kids-hide-your-wife way, intelligent but not in a haha-your-opinion-sucks-keyboard-warrior manner and of course, Chris Mak’s role as Tom also involves him being both a guitar player and a swimmer.

Here, Chris Mak explains his role, how he’s able to be both hot and nice, and because #teenageangst, the unlikely burnout in Teenage Textbook.

Yo Chris, speaking of Teenage Textbook, what were you like as a teenager?
[Laughs] I was a good boi. Ok I can’t lie, I was a practical teenager — you know, skip class, go out with my friends on school nights and fall asleep in class. All that kind of stuff. [Laughs]


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Did you have to do any specific prep work for this role? Kinda helps that you look quite boyish right?
I watched the original movie and tried to analyse the role of Tom and then also interpreted it in my own way. And yes I guess looking boyish helps. [Laughs]

Chris Mak's Practically Plays Himself in Teenage Textbook
Tom is apparently both a talented swimmer and musician — which role was harder to play?
Wow, tough question. I guess musician? I haven’t touched a guitar in ages so that didn’t go well…


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Seems like there’s a lot of ennui in this film, like a PG13 Euphoria or Skins — was this kind of teenage angst new to you?
Kind of. I had a lot of fun as a teenager and was never really bored or had nothing to do to be honest.

Chris Mak's Practically Plays Himself in Teenage Textbook
Without giving too much away, how much does Tom lose himself in Teenage Textbook?
He hits rock bottom.


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Also, how much of Chris Mak do you see in Tom? Was it difficult playing him?
Well I mean, I sound and look like that so that’s how much you see. But character wise, I’m not like that in real life. 

Lastly, congratulations on your first role! What do you want to play next?
Thank you! Appreciate it. I want to play a more intricate role, like a psychopath or a serial killer. Something that really pulls me away from the norm. That’s next on my list 🙂 

Catch Chris Mak in Teenage Textbook every Tuesday at 9.30pm on meWATCH and Channel 5. Or click here to catch up with our March 2021 issue. Hey, you’re free enough to read this story.