Broken Capitalism by Jaye and Mihov Explores the Concept of Capitalism And Time - Men's Folio
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Broken Capitalism by Jaye and Mihov Explores the Concept of Capitalism And Time

  • By Men's Folio

Broken Capitalism by Jaye and Mihov Explores the Concept of Capitalism And Time
Pictured above: Singapore-based creative entrepreneur, jaye and Bulgarian artist Mihov: the two men bringing you Singapore’s first-ever cross-border NFT arts exhibition entitled “Broken Capitalism”.

What is your relationship with time and most importantly, are you able to reconcile the fact that it’s slipping through your fingers (hello, it’s already December) as you pursue a goal to fulfill the bottom two sections of the Maslow Hierachy of Needs?

Well firstly, jaye has an EP for that titled “how much is your life worth?” that comments on our current society and capitalistic system. As for Mihov, he has released a series of NFTs dedicated to the pursuit of the spirit of ectasy in today’s capitalistic world. And together, they’re taking us through “Broken Capitalism”, an exhibition that runs till till 08 December 2021 at Hatch’s gallery in Tiong Bahru as well as online at MakersPlace and Async.

Hello Jaye and Mihov, “Broken Capitalism” is a pretty heavy thing to call an exhibition especially in a local context. Can you guys simplify it for people who perhaps, aren’t you know, in the know?
Broken Capitalism states that whilst the capitalistic system is the only one that has been proven to work successfully, there are aspects of it which need a re-think and attention focus. With this exhibition, art is used as the tool that brings the attention to those observations, whilst also maintaining the humour, playfulness and aesthetics you would expect from a fine art gallery exhibition.

Broken Capitalism by Jaye and Mihov Explores the Concept of Capitalism And Time
Time by Mihov.

To put the cherry on the top, we are also putting money where our mouth is and not only highlight some of the issues, but try to bring positive change towards those. This is why we have teamed up with eShareLife and AVSI Kenya to donate 20% of all proceeds to charity.

You would have seen rising inequality during the pandemic worldwide. Whilst our contribution is not going to change the balance, it is going to make a small change for a number of children in Kenya and help them attain their education.

Mihov, what exactly do you want to say with “Time!”? And what do you think you’re saying differently from other artistes who broach the same topic?
Everybody knows the saying ‘time is money’, but we hardly question it. We spend our entire lifetimes chasing wealth.  TIME! Is a piece which was inspired by that saying and by the fact our consumerist culture revolves around an eternal cycle. Ultimately I aim to remind you of what matters most in life, which can be different things to different people. The work reminds us that all of our time is limited and precious, but that preciousness is measured not only in money.

We have grown to assign monetary value to time, but if the observer recognises that we can measure time differently, the piece takes on a different meaning. For example, if you measure your time with how many of your loved ones you see regularly, the jewels will not represent purely a precious stone anymore for you, but will begin to represent the precious people in your life.

Mihov, how much is time worth then today in your opinion?
It is worth differently to different people. This is my point, you cannot compare your time to mine. We could be measuring our times on vastly different scales and units of measure. Spending an hour in your world might carry a dollar value to it, but it might be priceless in the world of someone else spending the last hour with a loved one.

Perceptions of time change, and the value we assign to it too, but ultimately it is the most precious and non replenishable resource.

Jaye, how much do you think we undervalue time and overvalue money?
Enormously. I feel that many of us value money over time because we think that money can solve everything. Money can’t buy happiness, but it can give you more opportunity. We are often taught in school and told by society that money is something to be valued the most. We are judged by the income we earn and by the expensive things we own.

We admire people who are wealthy and strive to become like them.

The New Religion by Mihov.

Jaye, is it impossible for an artist today to not chase money though? Where do you draw the line?
It is absolutely possible if you create solely for self-expression. However, if you want your work to be marketable, then it’s about striking a comfortable balance. Of course the dream is to make a living with your music. This is where an artist has to think more like an entrepreneur and make creative business decisions to achieve more success and monetisation with the artistry.

Some people are ok with selling out first and then sharing more honest work. There is no right or wrong.

Mihov, if I could ask, what do you think is more valuable: physical artworks or NFTS?
Hmm, another interesting question about value. What do you consider value? Money? Cultural contribution? Ability to physically touch a piece? In my mind, value should not necessarily differ between physical and NFT artworks if we look at it from the viewpoint of art being an idea and impacting the viewer. Both can be equally impactful.

Deyan by Mihov.

You can be made to smile or be saddened by a physical and a digital work much the same way. However different collectors will assign different value to different aspects. For some, the ability to transfer, store or exchange works will be more important than the ability to see a work without needing to plug in a cable or load a system, and vice versa.

Jaye, what’s next for you then?
Expect a very special and exciting collaboration with a magazine coming up really soon. Also, expect new songs and creative projects in the crypto space. I am going to continue experimenting in the lab and formulating fresh and innovative ways to present my music to you. Business wise, my creative spaces The Parlour Singapore and The Parlour Seoul will be looking into events as things start to open up more.

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting live experiences to come.

Jaye + Mihov, I like to end interviews like this: what are the #1 songs on your Spotify this year?

love nwantiti by CKay, Heat Waves by Glass Animals and Life Goes On by Oliver Tree.

Mihov: Honestly my number one changes weekly, but the past week was revisiting ‘No Time to Die’ by Billie Eilish because my life has been so busy, I felt connected to it, in a dark humour type of way.

Once you’re done with this story about the “Broken Capitalism” exhibition, click here to catch up with our November 2021 issue.