#TheObsessions: Amin Alifin of Vogue in Progress And F(low)t Collective Shares His Favourite Things - Men's Folio
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#TheObsessions: Amin Alifin of Vogue in Progress And F(low)t Collective Shares His Favourite Things

  • By Men's Folio

#TheObsessions: Amin Alifin of F(low)t Collective Shares His Favourite Things
What makes some of these local or global creatives tick? In this weekly column, Amin Alifin of Vogue in Progress and F(low)t Collective shares his favourite things.

1.The Sunrise: Rise and Shine! Not only is it a visual spectacle, the quiet morning and fresh air is also Mother Nature’s treat for the early birds. #sunrise

2. Caffeine: Coffee, Tea or… both? Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans freshly brewed in the morning, and Osmanthus Puer Tea for my afternoon, please. You can still bribe me with a Kopi C Kosong Bing and Teh Halia, no problem.

3. Crystals: Feeling precious about my stones. When I look at a crystal and experience love at first sight, I simply have to own it. My gal @puracrystals has the most gorgeous collection.

#TheObsessions: Amin Alifin of F(low)t Collective Shares His Favourite Things
4. Rhinestones: “More is more, until less is more.” The idea of having something that shines, shimmers and sparkles is exhilarating to me. 99% of the time I wear them on stage but I also find myself stoning my ordinary t-shirt, because life is too short for dull moments. 

5. Gerolsteiner Water: Lubrication! If Gerolsteiner would sponsor me for a lifetime, I would be eternally grateful. This water just tastes better.

6. Durians: It’s not just a fruit, it’s an experience. D24. Red Prawn. Mao Shan Wang. All Durians Matter.

7. Autobiographies: What’s my favourite read? Autobiographies. I immerse myself in someone else’s life story and it becomes my motivation. And Mariah, of course — ’nuff said.

#TheObsessions: Amin Alifin of F(low)t Collective Shares His Favourite Things
8. Dancing: Creating through dance, music and art feeds my soul. The moves are my priority but the fun is in conceptualising the costumes, accessories, music, story and everything else in between. I had a great time co-choreographing Be Drawn In, an STB x NAC x Oschool collaboration in May 2021.

Once you’re done with this story about Amin Alifin’s obsessions, click here to catch up with our November 2021 issue!