The Mother of Dragons' Tips for In-flight Skincare and Preparing Tea - Men's Folio
Grooming, Skincare

The Mother of Dragons’ Tips for In-flight Skincare and Preparing Tea

  • By Bryan Goh

What does Clinique’s iD Dramatically Different™ Moisturising Tone-Up Gel have in common with Daenerys Stark?

Iit’s their fondness for tactical decisions (Daenerys is a war veteran while the Moisturising Tone-Up gel has over 20 combinations for every skin type), their global appeal to both men and women (who doesn’t love a woman who burns her aggressors and who isn’t keen on delivering optimum moisture to their skin) and finally, their reputation as being the first of things (the former was the first of her name and the latter, the first to be introduced in a proper three-step range).

Here, ten questions with the Mother of Dragons on her skincare, tea and Anglo tendencies.

What is the one thing about the US that you do not understand?
Oh, yes, this! When you’ve finished your food and someone else hasn’t, someone will immediately take that plate away. I think that’s so rude!

What do people who impersonate a British accent sound like to an actual Brit?
Crap. There are few American actors — actresses especially — who can do a perfect British accent. Gwyneth Paltrow is one of them. Shout out to Gwynnie. But it’s really rare.

What is the one thing about the way Americans deal with love that you do not understand?
This whole exclusive relationship versus a non-exclusive relationship? “But we’re not exclusive”. I do not understand, speaking from experience!

What is the proper way to prepare tea?
It’s instinctual, I just make a great cup of tea. I can sense what kind of tea people want. It’s like a special party trick — a really fun party trick.

How do you take your scones — cream or jam first?
This is a tricky one as well. You need the base of the cream and then you kind of dollop that jam on, then you squash it with the top of the scone.

Why do people think the British are so apologetic?

We’ve got a lot to be sorry for. Historically. It’s a form of passive aggression? Oh no I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to step on my foot. Just awkward a little bit. Am I coming across like that? Sorry!

The most curious place you’ve ever had to get ready?
A sheeps trailer, up a mountain, train loo carriages, quite a lot of those. In a car in the center of london. A moving speedboat which was interesting. Try and do your hair in that kind of wind. I could go on.

What is the best life advice you’ve ever been given?
Don’t ever google yourself. Ever. No good has come from googling yourself.

What’s your biggest skin concern?
I have really dry skin thanks to my funny hours, and also because I fly a lot.

Tips and tricks for in-flight skincare?
Hydrate, take off your makeup, do all your steps — 11, 15, 12, 2 — whatever it is. Remember to bring spritzes, lip balm, moisturising lotion, eye mask, and a sharp elbow incase you’re next to someone who’s snoring.