

  • By Men's Folio

In Print Boom Boom Pow 1Photography CHER HIM Styling DANIEL GOH

“I could have worked out much harder, or even skipped breakfast,” quipped MediaCorp artiste Shane Pow, who’s co-managed by Beam Artistes. “You could just Photoshop it right?” He’s standing in the middle of the studio with his shirt unbuttoned all the way, a slice of toned tummy revealed. He’s clearly unhappy with his midsection but he makes it work, twisting and tensing to highlight its musculature. 

In the last two years, MediaCorp has signed on a slew of young male actors some of whom are so waifish we’re not exactly sure what to make of them. Shane Pow, however, is the exception. Among a handful of prepubescent-looking boys, Pow stands out as a young leading man. “I’m bigger than them physically. It’s not really an advantage or a disadvantage. It just makes me different. Some of them can play students, but I might look too matured to be a student,” grinned Pow. 

Standing close to six feet, he has sculpted a lean physique from rigorous gym work and butt-kicking Muay Thai sessions. However, he wasn’t born this way. “I was very fat when I was in primary school”, laughed Pow. Sure his body wasn’t the only thing that caught the attention of his 20, 000 followers on Instagram. He has a chiselled face too; not a pretty one we must stress. The difference between the two happens to lie between two extremes, strength and fragility, and Pow is all about strength. His jaw line is strong and prominent; no chubby cheeks here. His almond-shaped eyes pierce the lens with passion and purpose, so much so that filmmaker Royston Tan was bewitched. “Those eyes are simply perfect,” admired Tan….

For the full interview, grab your issue of Men’s Folio August 2013 edition on newsstands!